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Kumoh National Institute of Technology


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HOME ADMISSIONS Degree Seeking Programs Graduate School

Graduate School


Graduate Qualifications
Master’s Candidates International students (whose parents are both non-Korean) with a bachelor’s degree (by the time of enrollment) or other degrees considered valid by KIT and also who have minimum score on one of Korean or English language test
Doctoral Candidates International students (whose parents are both non-Korean) with Master’s degree (by the time of enrollment) or other degrees considered valid by KIT and also who have a minimum score on one of Korean or English test
Integrated Master’s and Doctoral course Candidates International students (whose parents are both non-Korean) with a bachelor’s degree (by the time of enrollment) or other degrees considered valid by KIT and also who have minimum score on one of Korean or English language test
Minimum scores of Korean or English Proficiency
Test Agency
in charge of
Master’s Candidates Level 3 500 450 157 54 4.5 217
Integrated master’s and doctoral
course Candidates
Level 3 500 450 157 54 4.5 217
Doctoral Candidates Level 3 550 470 167 58 4.5 244

※ Test scores are not valid for up to two years from the last day of application period.
※ In case of submitting TOPIK level 3 score, please be noted that student should take TOPIK test again and submit TOPIK level 4 or higher by the time of graduation. This is KIT graduation rule.
※ Any students whose mother tongue is English (US, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) might not be required to hand in English test scores.
※ According to NIIED(National Institute for International Education)'s rule, KGSP(Korean Global Scholarship Program) student's minimum TOPIK level 3 score must be a score of 84 among all of the TOPIK 3 test sections which is equal to a percentage score of 70 of passing TOPIK level 3.
※ TOEFL test taker should ask ETS to send TOEFL score report to KIT directly. KIT’s TOEFL DI Code is C744.

Scholarship (for both Master's and Doctoral Candidates)

Scholarship for freshmen & enrolled student

KIT provides scholarships for international students. The detailed criteria, language proficiency score and scholarship duration will be decided later according to the yearly budget. Maximum 4 semesters of scholarships each for Master's degree candidates and Doctoral degree candidates and maximum 8 semesters of scholarships for Integrated Master's and Doctoral degree candidates can be provided to international students only if budget allows for it.

Scholarship Type Amount of Scholarship Criteria
Type A Exemption from full tuition
  • For freshman, language proficiency test result only
  • For enrolled student, language proficiency test result along with last semester’s GPA (should be 3.5 out of 4.5 or higher)
※ Criteria for scholarship is subject to change according to the budget plan for each year.
Type B Exemption from 50% of tuition
Type A and B Scholarship Selection Standard

Minimum language test score for Type A and B scholarship is as below.

Scholarship Type TOEFL
Type A
(100% of tuition fee)
Students who have TOPIK level 5 or higher are eligible to receive type A scholarship
only if school budget allows for it
Type B
(50% of tuition fee)
570 230 85 750 327 600 Level 4 6.0

(Type A scholarship selection standard will be decided later)

Precondition for scholarship benefit (Insurance condition)
  • Scholarship will be cancelled if scholar does not purchase medical insurance.
  • For freshmen: Freshmen MUST submit the certificate of medical insurance within 30 days from the beginning of the semester. If fail to do so, scholar should return the scholarship back to school.
  • For enrolled student: Enrolled student MUST submit the certificate of medical insurance during the designated period of scholar examination. If fail to do so, scholarship for the next semesters will be automatically cancelled immediately.

Academic Departments

Degree Department Doctoral
/Integrated degree
Engineering Mechanical Engineering O O
Electronic Engineering O O
IT Convergence Engineering
(multi-majored cooperative department)
Computer∙AI Convergence Engineering
(multi-majored cooperative department)
Software Engineering O O
Architectural Engineering O O
Civil Engineering O O
Environmental Engineering O O
Industrial Engineering O O
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering O O
Polymer Science and Engineering O O
Materials Design Engineering O O
Chemical Engineering O O
Medical IT Convergence Engineering O O
Optical Engineering X O
Semiconductor System Engineering
(multi-majored cooperative department)
Natural Sciences Mathematics O O
Applied Chemistry O O
Physics O X
Business Administration Business Administration O O

※IT Convergence Engineering is multi-majored cooperative department.

Required Documents

No Documents to be submitted Remarks
1 *Application Form (Korean or English) Attached template, photo to be attached
2 *Undergraduate and/or Graduate
Certificate of Graduation or diploma
(In case of submitting diploma, please submit photocopy. We don’t accept original diploma)
Korean or English translated required
3 *Undergraduate and/or Graduate Academic Transcript Korean or English translated required
4 *Record of Language Proficiency One of TOEFL, TOPIK, IELTS, TOEIC, TEPS
Refer to the above language criteria
5 *Copy of Passport and Alien Registration Card If you have
6 *Family Register or other document which shows both of your parents are non-Korean citizenship For Chinese applicant, certificate of all family member’s relationship and ID cards required
7 *Self Introduction (Essay) Attached template
8 *Study Plan Attached template
9 *Bank statement or other Financial certificate
(documents should be issued within 30 days from the application submission)
  • Bank balance certificate
    - minimum amount USD18,000
    (In case bank account is not under applicant’s name, additional certificate of relationship should to be submitted)
  • Certificate of Scholarship
    (certificate of financial support issued from the supervisor or other organization)
10 *Recommendation Letter from Alma Mater Attached template

※All documents have to be written either in Korean or English.
※Please hand in all required documents to the office of International Programs & Language Education Center.
※Please complete online application during the designated application period.
※Admission will be cancelled if admission documents are not complete.

Application Fee & Process

Application Fee: Free
Admission Process
  1. To fill up online application through KIT webpage and to submit original application documents by post mail (Both ways have to be completed)
  2. Paper screening/interview (if necessary) by each department/faculty
  3. Successful applicants to be decided by Graduate school admission committee

Contact Information

  • Person in Charge: Eugene Park
  • Office Address: International Programs & Language Education Center Kumoh National Institute of Technology 61 Daehak-ro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 39177, Korea International Education Building (E103)
  • Office phone number: +82-54-478-7221
  • Office fax number: +82-54-478-7222
  • E-mail address: eugene@kumoh.ac.kr

Tuition Fee Table

Sections Items 1st semester 2nd semester Total(KRW)
Graduate School
Science Admission Fee 184,000 184,000
Tuition 2,221,000 2,221,000 4,442,000
Total(KRW) 2,405,000 2,221,000 4,626,000
Admission Fee 184,000 184,000
Tuition 2,440,000 2,440,000 4,880,000
Total(KRW) 2,624,000 2,440,000 5,064,000

※ 2023 Tuition Fee.